New Map Reveals Eighth Continent Hidden Under the Ocean for Millions of Years

International Desk, 28th September: A team of international geologists and seismologists has unveiled a detailed map of Zealandia, the largely submerged eighth continent of the world. Zealandia, which is concealed beneath the ocean’s surface to the extent of 94%, has long intrigued researchers due to its underwater location.

Zealandia is an extensive landmass that stretches beneath the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It encompasses not only the underwater continental shelf but also the islands comprising New Zealand and its nearby counterparts, accounting for the remaining 6% of its land area. Its origins date back approximately 83 million years when volcanic forces initiated the separation of the supercontinent Gondwana, ultimately giving rise to the continents we recognize today.

The remote and submerged nature of Zealandia has presented a significant challenge for researchers attempting to understand its geological composition. Consequently, prior to this recent endeavor, existing maps of Zealandia were marred by inconsistencies and uncertainties.

To craft this comprehensive and refined map, the research team undertook an ambitious mission. They meticulously examined a multitude of rock and sediment samples collected from the ocean floor, with a substantial portion of these samples acquired through deep-sea drilling operations.

Equipped with a trove of geological samples, scientists embarked on an unprecedented journey to map Zealandia in intricate detail. This extensive continent, spanning approximately 5 million square kilometers, underwent meticulous scrutiny to unveil its concealed mysteries.

Among the most significant revelations from this endeavor was the identification of the magmatic arc axis that constitutes the core of Zealandia. This axis serves as a vital geological feature, shedding light on the continent’s formation and evolution.

The introduction of this refined map represents a momentous milestone in our comprehension of Zealandia, the concealed eighth continent. As scientists persist in unraveling the geological enigmas concealed beneath its watery depths, the world anticipates further discoveries about this enigmatic landmass.

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