AITF Calls for Restraint Amid Religious Freedom Act Controversy in Arunachal Pradesh

Itanagar: The Arunachal Indigenous Tribes’ Forum (AITF), representing the apex Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) of the state, has voiced deep concern over the escalating tensions following the High Court’s directive to frame rules under Section 8 of the Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 1978.

The court’s order, which mandates the formulation of these rules within six months, has sparked strong reactions from various organizations, leading to protests and demonstrations.

In response, the Arunachal Christian Forum (ACF) has launched hunger strikes and dharnas, while the Indigenous Faith and Cultural Society of Arunachal Pradesh (IFCSAP) has organized rallies in different districts.

The AITF fears that such activities could disrupt peace and hinder ongoing developmental initiatives in the state. It has urged political leaders, activists, and the general public to avoid making provocative statements on social media and in the press, warning that escalating rhetoric could lead to law and order issues.

To ensure a balanced and inclusive approach, the AITF has called on the Arunachal Pradesh government to circulate the draft rules for public feedback before finalizing them.

Additionally, the forum is considering the formation of a Consultative Committee, working under a Joint Consultative Forum (JCF), to study the proposed rules and provide inputs from Community-Based Organizations. This initiative aims to encourage constructive discussions and prevent unnecessary conflicts.

Emphasizing the importance of maintaining harmony, the AITF has appealed to all stakeholders to cooperate with the government in framing the necessary rules through meaningful dialogue. It remains committed to safeguarding the state’s unity while ensuring a transparent and inclusive decision-making process on the Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 1978.

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