Assam: Animated Film “Lachit The Warrior” Wins Best Animated Short Film Award

Guwahati, 10th November: The animated film “Lachit The Warrior,” directed by Parthasarathi Mahanta, has secured the Best Animated Short Film award at the Indo-French International Film Festival in Pondicherry. The film, produced by Mina Mahanta and Indrani Baruah, was featured in a film festival organized through collaboration between the Indian and French governments.

The creative team includes Dr. Amarjyoti Choudhury as the narrator, Rupam Talukdar handling the music, Anupam Mahanta as the creative director, Hrishikesh Bora managing storyboarding and illustration, and Ratul Dutta overseeing VFX. “Lachit The Warrior” has garnered recognition at various international film festivals and is selected for the Indian Panorama at the upcoming International Film Festival of India in Goa.

Also read: Assam: Seized Elephant ‘Babu’ Passes Away, Raising Concerns Over Captive Animal Welfare

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