Assam: GHC issued new Covid-19 restrictions

Guwahati: In view of the recent surge of the CoVID-19 cases in the state of Assam and in order to ensure preventive course in premises of the Gauhati High court the Chief Justice has issued the new Covid-19 restrictions.

The restrictions will come into effect from 5 January 2022 until further notice.

Here is the list of the guidelines:

  1. The courts shall function in virtual mode with a staggering roster, so as to avoid footfalls and to maintain social distancing.
  2. Only limited number of cases will be listed. Learned Advocates and parties-in-person may mention their matte(s) showing the urgency before concerned Courts. The Court, only on being satisfied that the matter is of urgent nature, shall hear such matters.
  3. Only the learned Advocates and parties-in-person, whose names appear in the cause list shall enter the premises of the High Court. Any other individual whose presence is required in the Court shall enter after obtaining prior permission of the Registrar (Administration).
  4. Compulsory wearing of masks and maintaining of social distancing is mandatory within the premises of the High Court.
  5. All lawyers, litigants, members of staff, security staff, etc. having taken both the doses of Covid-19 vaccine, shall be allowed to enter the High Court premises.
  6. In the old block of the High Court, only Gate No. 4 shall be made for ingress and Gate No.1 for egress. In the new of the High Court, only Gate No.6 shall be used for ingress and egress.
  7. All lawyers, litigants, members of staff, security staff, etc. shall be subjected to medical screening before entry in the new as well as old High Court building.

8′ Canteens in both the new and the old High court buildings shall operate in a restrictive mode with only takeaway facility.


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