Assam: MBA Student Assaulted by Police in Lekhapani; Family Demands Justice

Guwahati, 27th June: In a shocking case of police misconduct, Pradum Chhetri, an MBA student, was allegedly assaulted by officers from the Lekhapani police station while reportedly under the influence of alcohol. The incident took place on the night of June 26 and involved Sub-Inspector Pranjal Phukan, along with three other policemen.

According to eyewitnesses, Pranjal Phukan, who was not in police uniform at the time, forcibly dragged Chhetri out of a parked Fortuner along the highway and subjected him to physical assault, using abusive language throughout the incident.

Chhetri’s family has since filed a First Information Report (FIR) at the Lekhapani police station, seeking justice against Pranjal Phukan and the other officers involved. They are demanding appropriate legal action to address what they view as an instance of unwarranted police brutality.

The incident has raised serious concerns about police behavior and accountability in Lekhapani, leading to calls for a thorough investigation and the implementation of measures to prevent such abuses of power in the future.

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