Assam: Specially-Abled Man Struggles for Livelihood in Baksa

Guwahati, 15th May: The inspiring story of Lepa Minj from Kahibari, Baksa, sheds light on the challenges faced by specially-abled individuals in their daily lives. Despite his physical limitations, Lepa Minj displays remarkable resilience as he navigates through life’s hurdles.

Defying all odds, Lepa Minj engages in the production and sale of various fishing equipment, including ‘sepa’ and ‘jakoi’. Despite the difficulties he faces while walking, he tirelessly crafts these items and ventures to the market to sell them, determined to sustain his livelihood.

Previously, Lepa Minj and his widowed mother received financial assistance of Rs 1000 from the government. However, this support was discontinued, leaving them to fend for themselves. Despite repeated attempts to reapply for assistance, their efforts have thus far been futile.

Lepa Minj’s story serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of individuals facing adversity. Despite the challenges he encounters, he remains determined to forge ahead and provide for himself and his family. His resilience and perseverance serve as an inspiration to all.

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