COVID-19 Pandemic: 8,850 Students Drop-out in Tripura

Guwahati: Tripura’s education minister Ratan Lal Nath said that 8,850 students between the ages of 6 and 14 left their classrooms as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak on Friday (July 8).

A door-to-door survey will be undertaken soon, the minister announced, adding that they have chosen to relaunch the “Vidyalaya Chalo Abhiyan” (let’s go to school) campaign to persuade the dropout students to enrol in classes once more to determine whether there are any further school dropouts.

College seniors will serve as surveyors in addition to Anganwadi and ASHA employees, the minister said.

Students will receive compensation of 500 for each admittance if they can locate them and persuade them to apply for readmission to institutions. According to him, teachers that participate in the survey would receive 200 for each admission.

The minister said, “We have chosen to establish a new programme, ‘Earn while Learning,’ for college seniors.

The state has also decided to offer free backpacks to more than 1.51 lakh kids in pre-primary to Class 3 with a budget of 7.58 crore.

The state currently offers free textbooks to children in Courses 1 through 8, as well as school uniforms for girls and students from Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), and Students Below Poverty Line (BPL) in the same classes.

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