Guwahati: Eminent Cricket Coach Babun Da goes missing

Guwahati: Eminent former Cricket Coach and Sports Pensioner Govt of Assam Abdur Robb popularly known as Babun Da who aged around 75, once again has gone missing from his residence at Dr. B Baruah Road, Ulubari.

He suffers from dementia.

He managed to climb a ten-foot-tall gate of his residence at around 2 to 2.30 a.m. on the intervening night of December 26 and 27, despite all gates and doors being shut. According to two CRPF officers stationed near the Ulubari bridge, he was seen going towards GS Road. The Guwahati Police Department has received a missing person report and is investigating.

He was dressed in a half dark brown tee, no sweater, black greyish sweatpants, and slippers and stood roughly 5’5 with dusky skin. He might not remember his name, and the only thing he knows about himself is that he lives near the stadium (Nehru Stadium).

Family members have filed an F. I. R with the Paltan Bazar Police Station in Guwahati.

If anyone finds the whereabouts of Mr Robb kindly contact the following mobile numbers 7086111086
97060 81985

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