Guwahati Municipal Corporation Unveils Innovative Waste Management System for 10 Wards

Guwahati, December 15: In a move aimed at enhancing public service and streamlining municipal solid waste management, Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) has introduced a dedicated system for the initial phase covering 10 wards of the city.

The system, set to go live on December 15, emphasizes the shared responsibility of citizens and GMC in managing municipal solid waste effectively.

GMC urges residents of Ward Nos. 18, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 48, 49, and 59 to extend their support to the improved waste collection system. Feedback from citizens will be instrumental in refining waste management services provided by GMC.

Key Features of the New System:

a. Unique QR Codes: Every property (holding) in the designated wards will be equipped with a distinctive QR code, placed at the gate by authorized GMC personnel. These QR codes are linked to the property tax holding number database.

b. Scheduled Waste Collection: Authorized waste collection staff will visit each holding daily at a predetermined fixed time. After collecting waste, they will scan the QR code to record the collection.

c. Segregation of Waste: Waste will be accepted only if segregated into DRY and WET categories. Wet waste includes biodegradable items like food, leaves, flowers, and garden trimmings. Dry waste comprises non-biodegradable items such as rubber, paper, metal, plastic, footwear, sanitary napkins, and diapers.

Complaints Resolution:

a. Citizens are encouraged to scan their QR codes and submit complaints via the Mobile Application, noting the ticket number for future reference.

b. GMC Helpline No.: 8811007000, 7086053941, and 7086028339 are available for citizens to raise complaints related to solid waste management.

Service Fees and Fines:

a. No service fees are applicable to residential properties (holdings) for the time being.

b. Service fees for non-residential properties (commercial, institutional, and residential buildings utilized as paying guests, hostels, etc.) remain unchanged and will be charged according to existing rates notified in Notification no. “GCS/NURM/341/2014/291 dated 18/12/2014.”

Non-Compliance Penalties:

a. Citizens are reminded to hand over waste exclusively to authorized GMC waste collection staff.

b. Littering and dumping waste in public places will incur fines as per GMC Act 1971 and SWM Rules 2016.

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