IIT Guwahati: Researchers Develop novel Low-Cost Improved Natural Draft Charcoal Retort

Guwahati: Researchers at IIT Guwahati have developed a new low-cost improved natural draught charcoal retort.

According to reports, the charcoal retort will meet Indian charcoal producers’ technological and capital investment concerns while functioning in an environmentally responsible manner with low carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter emissions.

Researchers used a variety of biomasses as input feedstock for the charcoal production process, including Prosopis juliflora and Casuarina equisetifolia, as well as Refuse-Derived Fuel briquettes from Municipal Solid Waste.

It may be mentioned that Sanron Fuel Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, and Samkitec Resources, Hyderabad, have signed a technology transfer agreement with IIT Guwahati to make an influence on the actual industry utilization.

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