Meghalaya: BJP MDC Alleges RTI Violations by Government Departments in Tura

Northeast Desk, 15th June: Bernard N Marak, BJP Member of District Council (MDC) from Tura, has raised serious allegations against various government departments for violating the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005. In a statement released on Friday, Marak accused several departments, including Community and Rural Development (C&RD) blocks and projects under flagship programs like IBDLP, of failing to provide information sought through RTI applications filed back in February.

Marak highlighted one particular case involving the Integrated Basin Development and Livelihood Promotion (IBDLP) program, where information on beneficiaries of the FOCUS scheme, released just before the 2023 elections, was withheld. He alleged that bureaucratic officers overseeing these initiatives instructed district officials not to disclose crucial information, hinting at potential malpractice.

The MDC pointed out that some departments responded with vague or unclear information, while others completely ignored requests for electronic formats and details of beneficiaries, including their contact information.

Expressing concern over the lack of transparency, Marak issued a stern warning that legal action would ensue if the concerned officers fail to furnish the RTI information within the next ten days. He emphasized that Deputy Commissioners bear responsibility as the RTI applications were routed through them.

Marak underscored the fundamental importance of transparency in governance and criticized the departments for their reluctance to disclose information as mandated by the RTI Act. He emphasized that such actions indicate a deliberate attempt to withhold facts from the public eye.

The allegations by Bernard N Marak underscore growing concerns over accountability and transparency within government departments, prompting calls for stringent measures to uphold the principles of the RTI Act and ensure public access to information.

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