Meghalaya Unveils Ambitious Investment Plans in Tourism and IT Sectors

Northeast Desk, 15th June: Meghalaya’s government has unveiled ambitious investment plans totaling Rs 6,500 crore aimed at bolstering the state’s tourism and IT sectors over the next four years, with a projected goal of creating approximately 70,000 new jobs.

Chief Minister Conrad Sangma announced these initiatives during the convocation ceremony of ICFAI University Meghalaya on June 14. He revealed that Rs 5,000 crore will be allocated to the tourism sector, aimed at generating around 50,000 jobs. Simultaneously, Rs 1,500 crore will be earmarked for the IT sector, which is expected to provide employment opportunities for about 20,000 individuals.

Sangma emphasized the state’s commitment to transforming Meghalaya into a thriving hub for tourism and IT development. As part of this vision, plans include the establishment of submarine cables and a state-of-the-art three-tier data center in Shillong. These infrastructural advancements aim to enhance communication capabilities and solidify Shillong’s position as a burgeoning IT destination. Additionally, efforts will be made to extend optical fiber connectivity across the state, facilitating improved education access at the grassroots level.

Highlighting Meghalaya’s economic progress, Sangma noted a significant rise in the state’s economy from $4.8 billion to $6.6 billion. Moreover, he underscored a substantial increase in budgetary expenditures, which have surged from approximately Rs 10,000 crore to nearly Rs 30,000 crore in recent years.

In his address, Sangma encouraged the youth to embrace change and prepare themselves for the evolving job market landscape. He urged them to capitalize on the government’s strategic investments and leverage the opportunities arising from India’s economic growth trajectory.

The convocation ceremony also saw the conferment of 608 degrees upon undergraduate and postgraduate students of ICFAI University Meghalaya, marking their academic achievements and readiness to contribute to Meghalaya’s burgeoning sectors.

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