Mizoram Governor Dissolves MNF Flagship Socio-Economic Development Programme (SEDP) Boards

Northeast Desk, 15th December: In response to Chief Minister Lalduhoma’s announcement during his first press conference on December 8, the Governor of Mizoram has dissolved the 15 boards under the Mizo Nation Front (MNF) government’s flagship Socio-Economic Development Programme (SEDP). The dissolution, effective from December 5, 2023, marks a significant change in the state’s socio-economic policies.

The SEDP, launched by the previous MNF government, aimed to provide direct monetary assistance to 60,000 households. The boards dissolved include Bamboo Link Road Board, Bamboo Development Board, Rubber & Allied Crops Development Board, Horticulture Development Board, Veterinary and Sericulture Board, Social Rehabilitation Board, Health & Family Welfare Board, Road & Infrastructure Development Board, Land Revenue and Survey Board, Manpower Development Board, Sports, Youth Affairs, ICT, and Tourism Board, Commerce & Industrial Development Board, Human Resources Development Board, Higher and Technical Education Board, and Agriculture Development Board.

This move reflects a shift in the state’s approach to socio-economic development, and the impact on existing programs and initiatives will be closely observed in the coming months.

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