Newborn Baby Found Abandoned in Dumpster in Guwahati

Guwahati, 6th February: A heartbreaking incident unfolded in the Kumarpara region of Guwahati city when locals discovered a newborn baby abandoned inside a dumpster on Tuesday.

Suspicions point to the possibility that the infant’s parents callously left the baby in the garbage dump. The alarming situation came to light when residents observed a dog retrieving the baby from the dumpster.

The circumstances surrounding this shocking incident, including the identity of the perpetrators and the timeline of events, remain unclear. An investigation is underway to unravel the details of the case.

Promptly responding to the distressing discovery, concerned members of the public alerted the Bharalumukh Police in Guwahati to report the incident.

As more information unfolds, updates on the situation will be provided accordingly.

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