NIA Conducts Raids Against Terror Gangs Nexus

Guwahati: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted search operation at numerous locations in several states in northern India as part of an ongoing investigation into gangs and their connections to terrorist organisations on Tuesday.

To deconstruct and disrupt the increasing connection between terrorists, gangsters, drug smugglers, and traffickers with bases in India and abroad, operations were carried out in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, and the National Capital Region (NCR).

According to reports, on the basis of certain inputs separate NIA teams conducted these raids at several gangsters’ sites concurrently in collaboration with state police forces

Similar searches were carried out by the NIA in 50 places around Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, and the NCR region on September 12. The NIA sweep came after the anti-terror agency began looking into this connection after the re-registration of two cases that had previously been filed by the Delhi Police on August 26 of this year.

Some of the most desperate gang leaders and their associates, both in India and overseas, who are organising and carrying out such criminal and terrorist actions have been found and arrested.

“The recent sensational crimes and extortion calls by criminal syndicates and gangsters to businessmen, professionals including doctors etc., had created a widespread scare among the people,” the NIA had said earlier.” These gangs were using cyber-space to publicise these crimes to create terror among the public at large.” The NIA investigations also revealed that such criminal acts were not isolated local incidents but there was a deep-rooted conspiracy amongst terrorists, gangsters and drug smuggling cartels and networks, who were operating from both within and outside the country.

“Many gang leaders and members had fled from India and were now operating from foreign countries, including Pakistan, Canada, Malaysia and Australia,” said the NIA when it first time carried out a mega raid against such gangs as reported by national media.

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