Sikkim CM Greets People On Auspicious Occasion Of “Sonam Lochar”

Guwahati: Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Sigh Tamang on Sunday extended his warmest greetings to the state’s residents on the occasion of “Sonam Lochar” which marks the start of the Tamang New Year. 

“I wish for good health and prosperity for all and I hope the day signifies the start of a successful year and brings great opportunities for everyone. The festival of Sonam Lochhar reaffirms our faith in the almighty as we worship and offer fresh harvests seeking the protection and safety of our fellow beings,” said Chief Minister on the occasion.

The day is celebrated by offering prayers at monasteries and homes and visits to elders of the family to receive blessings.

A traditional dance known as Tamang Selo is performed on this special occasion with tremendous fervor in order to represent the culture, religion, and heritage of the Tamang population.

Sonam Lochar is the Tamang New Year. The name Lochar implies New Year or the start of a new era.

The Tamangs are Sikkim’s native inhabitants, and 20 years ago they were granted tribal status. The current CM Prem Singh Tamang is a member of this group. They set themselves apart from other ethnic groups thanks to their own culture and accents.

According to the same calendar as Lunar New Year, Tamangs divide their years into 12 cycles, each of which is symbolised by an animal from the zodiac. When there was no calendar in Nepal, the 12-rotation method was utilised to determine people’s ages.

The Tamangs celebrate their New Year festival which varies in length from five to fifteen days depending on where they live with great delight and religious zeal.

People clean and adorn their homes on this day to usher in the New Year. They will visit monasteries and stupas in their traditional attire throughout the coming year. Buddhist monks engage in masked dances and ceremonies to ward off evil spirits and provide happiness to the household and the populace.

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