Tai Ahom Mahila Morcha Demands Former BJP MLA Angoorlata Deka’s Apology

Guwahati: Over 300 women of the Tai Ahom Mahila Parishad showed up to protest the derogatory remarks made about their group community during a rally held by Angoorlata Deka on July 29.

Deka, who is the chief of Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) women’s wing, had led a protest yesterday during which chants of ‘Ahom Jaati Murdabad’ were raised.

The Kamrup metro district Tai Ahom Mahila Parishad condemned the slogans, calling them insulting and disparaging to their community.

The gathering women vehemently denounced the entire incident and requested that the leader of the BJP Mahila Morcha apologise to the locals.

They also threatened suitable consequences in case the situation was to happen again in the future.

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