Veteran Cricket Journalist Kishore Bhimani dies

Veteran cricket journalist and commentator Kishore Bhimani has died after had been admitted to hospital last month due to complications arising out of the Coronavirus. Kishore Bhimani is known for being on air during the famous tied test of 1986 between India and Australia in Chepauk.

Kishore Bhimani had won H&G Clinic Journalism awards in the year 2012, he had also won many lifetime achievement award for his immense contributions in Journalism and cricket commentary. Many journalist and cricket lovers tweeted about the demise of Kishore Bhimani.

Famous journalist Rajdeep Sardesai tweeted ” Sad news to share.. one of the great characters of cricket commentary, an encyclopaedia on the sport, unafraid to voice a sharp opinion and a true cricket enthusiast and aficionado.. Kishore Bhimani has passed away.. Will be much missed RIP.”

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