YouTube Plans to Place Five Unskippable Ads Before a Video Starts

Guwahati: Five skippable adverts will now appear before each video on YouTube.

The platform is testing this feature right now in preparation for its imminent release.

Currently, YouTube users who do not have a YouTube Premium subscription only get two adverts that cannot be skipped before a video begins.

But starting in the next several days, users will start each movie with up to five advertisements.

YouTube tweeted in response to complaints about lengthy advertisements that this would not apply to all videos and that the advertisements would not be particularly long. Each advertisement will last no longer than six seconds, according to YouTube. Consequently, there will be five adverts and a pause of about 30 seconds before someone can resume watching a YouTube video.

“This may happen with a certain type of ad format called bumper ads, since they are only up to 6 seconds long. If you’d like, you can send feedback directly from YouTube via the send feedback tool,” YouTube said on Twitter.

Although YouTube states that the advertisements presented in these spots will last for approximately 6 seconds, in practise, viewers have recently witnessed advertisements that last for more than 10 seconds.

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