Assam: 86 AANLA cadres surrender In Gossaigaon

Guwahati: As many as 86 AANLA (All Adivasi National Liberation Army) cadres including top leader surrendered before the police in Kokrajhar district of Assam on Saturday.

The AANLA members surrendered in the presence of Deputy superintendent of police of Gossaigaon  Bhaskar Ojhar in Gossaigaon.

The cadres surrendered with huge cache of arms and ammunitions including AK 47, Chinese pistols, handmade pistols, two handmade LMG, 14 detonators and five kilos of IED. 

The All Adivasi National Liberation Army (AANLA) formed in 2006 has an estimated strength of around 100 members from Assam’s tea tribe community. The armed cadres of the outfit are said to be around 20.

The outfit claims to be fighting to safeguard the tribal culture and rights of the plantation workers whose ancestors were brought from the rest of India by the British colonialists.

Among its major demands include conferment of Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to the state’s Adivasi community and rehabilitation of the displaced members of its community. The outfit primarily targets the major tea estates in the upper Assam belt for purpose of extortion.

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