Assam Government Issues Fresh Educational SOP
Guwahati: In view of the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Assam and the spread of the new Covid variant Omicron the state government has issued a new set of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Friday and announced that the schools up to Class V will remain closed till January 30 while the schools in Kamrup Metro will remain closed up to Class VIII.
The new SOP issued by the Assam Education Department are:
- All Schools (both Govt. and Private) upto Class VIII in Kamrup Metropolitan District and upto Class V in all other Districts of Assam shall remain closed until further orders.
- The physical classes shall be allowed on alternate days for class IX, X, XI and XII in respect of Kamrup(M) District as detailed below:
- a) Class IX and XI shall be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
- (b) Class X and XII shall be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
- In respect of other Districts of Assam (excluding Kamrup (M)) the physical classes shall be allowed on alternate days as detailed below:
(a) Class VI, VIII, X and XII shall be held on every Monday Wednesday and Friday.
(b) Class VII, IX and XI shall be held on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
- The physical classes in respect of degree/Post Graduate Students of Colleges/ Universities/Engineering Colleges/ Technical Institutions are allowed to function with fully vaccinated students.
- The In-Charge Headmaster/Headmistress of the Elementary Schools shall supervise and ensure serving of Mid-Day Meal to the students as per instructions guidelines issued by the Govt. from time to time during class days and off days.
- In respect of attendance of Students in schools, attendance is not compulsory and will be based purely on parental consent.
- In addition to formal classes online classes will also continue as per requirement and continuity of education.
- Meetings in schools/educational institutions (formal and informal) will not be allowed in the Educational Institution premises.
- There will be no cultural function, meetings etc., until further orders.
- There should not be more than 30 (thirty) students in a section. The Head of the Institution will assess the required number of sections and open more sections accordingly if required.
- All Educational Institutions shall continue to provide quality virtual option/ online classes in addition to physical classes.
- The Schools/Educational Institutions shall have to be sanitized on every weekend (preferably on every Sunday).
- COVID appropriate behavior should be followed by every Educational Institution.
- Compulsory use of Masks/Sanitizers by all shall be ensured.
- Social distancing in classes shall be ensured. Maintenance of physical distance of minimum 6ft both inside and outside the classroom should be ensured.
- Temperature check of all students/teachers etc. shall be done every day through thermal screening during entry of the teachers/students/ and non-teaching staff.
- Every school/college or Educational Institution authority should co-ordinate with the nearest Health Centre (PHC/CHC etc.) in case of fever, cough, difficulty in breathing/ medical emergency
- Physical distancing of at least 6 feet has to be strictly followed
- Students will come to the schools/Colleges provided their parents have no objection and as such written undertaking/confirmation from the parents should be produced in the schools/Colleges
- Regular health check-up of students and teachers must be ensured