Assam Police Crackdown on Illegal Liquor Sales Targets Drunken Driving

Guwahati, 15th June: In a decisive move against the threat of drunken driving, the West Guwahati Police Department conducted targeted raids on roadside eateries (dhabas) engaged in illegal liquor sales.

Led by the Gorchuk Police Station team, the operation resulted in the seizure of 28 bottles of beer (750 ml) and 50 bottles of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL), each bottle measuring 180 ml.

The authorities have taken legal action against those responsible for the unlawful sale of alcohol at these dhabas.

This crackdown forms part of a broader initiative to combat the dangers posed by drunken driving, a menace that significantly jeopardizes road safety. By tackling the illicit distribution of alcohol at roadside establishments, law enforcement aims to restrict access to liquor for motorists, thereby reducing incidents of driving under the influence.

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