Assam Police warn of tough against stunt bikers

Guwahati: Stunt riding, also known to as “stunt,” is not just popular in Assam and India; rather, it is becoming more and more popular all over the world, drawing spectators to this sport. Motorcycle stunts are riskier because the rider only has two wheels to support him, and even with padding and helmets, there is always a chance that his head could sustain serious injuries.

Stunts can be performed for the performers’ shock value without considering any potential risks to the participants as a whole.

Only motorcycle riders who are already regarded as experts in their industry should perform stunts. Inexperienced riders and racers shouldn’t be permitted to perform dangerous stunts that could threaten their safety or perhaps their lives.

Taking to Twitter Speacial DGP of Assam GP Singh has warned those people involved in stunt riding and said that people should inform police immediately as soon as they see someone performing stunts. His message read “ People of Assam are requested to inform through Direct Message about any place or persons indulging in stunt biking on a regular basis. Such displays on Social Media platforms may also be brought to notice of Assam Police. “ 

Even so, he praised the Dibrugarh Police for their recent arrest of three stunt bikers. The Dibrugarh Police on December 15 arrested three stunt bikers and seized two sports bikes from them. Police said that stunts on public roads, put both the general public and riders at risk.

“Ride responsibly, stay behind handle bars or seek thrills and stay behind bars. Choice is yours.”, police added.

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