Bihar: Gang Of Thieves Steal Bridge In Bizarre Robbery

Guwahat: A gang of robbers stole a 60-foot-long abandoned bridge in Rohtas district of Bihar on Saturday.

According to ANI, the criminals pretended to be state irrigation department personnel and brought in heavy machinery to dismantle the bridge before fleeing with the scrap metal.

A junior engineer of the irrigation department, Arshad Kamal Shamshi, said that villagers informed that some persons pretended to be irrigation department personnel and uprooted the bridge with gas-cutters and heavy machinery such as JCB.

Shamshi said that a FIR has been lodged regarding the incident.

“Villagers stated that some persons posing as irrigation department personnel came to the damaged and abandoned canal bridge and completely dismantled it with the help of JCB equipment and gas cutters,” he claimed.

The unexpected disappearance of the bridge stunned everyone, Shamshi added, adding that department officials had filed a complaint with the Nasriganj police station against the burglars.

Quoting another junior engineer, Yogendra, Shamshi said, “Since such construction and repair tasks happen at a slow pace, the department would have generated a notice to inform us prior.”

It needs to be noted that the bridge had been built in 1972 over the Ara canal in Amiyavar.


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