BJP Files FIR against Fake Circulation on Valentine’s Day In Meghalaya

Guwahati: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) filed a FIR on Tuesday over a fake letter on “Valentine’s Day” that bore the party’s letterhead in Shillong of Meghalaya.

According to a letter circulated on the BJP’s letterhead, celebrating Valentine’s Day is against Indian culture.

The circulation read, “Valentine’s Day Celebrations on the 14th of February is against Indian Culture. We support the stance taken by Bajrang Dal on this. We strongly advice unmarried couples not to go out. If found together necessary actions will be taken by our party workers.”

“When BJP forms the government we promise to eliminate western culture from Meghalaya,” it further read.

Prior to Valentine’s Day, the circulation was widely shared on social media sites.

Following the incident, the BJP filed an FIR which read, “”The Letter Head used is not the official Letter Head of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Meghalaya Pradesh. Further, the signatory in the said Circular is the National Secretary of the Party and Shri. Arun Singh being the National & General Secretary of the Party, there is no reason for him to use the Letter Head of the Bharatiya Janata Party (B.J.P) Meghalaya Pradesh.”

“The name of Arun Singh has been misused and his signature has been forged in an attempt to tarnish the reputed image of the Party before the eyes of the public of the State of Meghalaya and that too at this crucial juncture when the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly Elections are around the corner and the Model Code of Conduct is in play,” it read.

Additionally, it stated that the party’s address, email address, and website listed in the circular were fictitious.

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