Famous sexpert Dr Mahinder Watsa, passes away at 96

Famous Indian sexologist and sexpert Dr. Mahinder Watsa passed away on the morning of December 28 due to natural causes. He was 96 years old.

Watsa was known for his work as a columnist with the Mumbai Mirror newspaper where he wrote the ‘Ask the Sexpert’ column. The column was known for not only educating people about sexual health but also for Dr Watsa’s witty responses for the uninitiated readers in the matters between the sheets.

His father was a military physician and his family spent some time in Yangon (then Rangoon) in Myanmar during his childhood. Watsa studied at a medical college in Mumbai, where he met his future wife, Promila.

He started his career as a columnist in the 1960s. Then in his late 30s, Watsa was asked to write a medical advice column for a women’s magazine such as Femina, Flair and Trend. He authored health columns for many womens’ magazines until the 1970s when his work was reportedly resisted by an editor who insisted on censoring queries about sexual health.

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