More than 700 NPP Supporters Join BJP Ahead of Meghalaya Assembly Polls

Guwahati: Over 700 National People’s Party (NPP) members from Ranikor switched over to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday, January 30. NPP candidate Martin M. Danggo, a former five-term lawmaker from Ranikor, said he is awaiting word from his leadership on whether or not to join the BJP.

BJP leaders welcomed the 100 NPP members at the party’s office at Bivar Road, Shillong.

Reporters were informed by Danggo that his supporters and leaders had agreed to abandon the NPP and join the BJP during a meeting held at the Shillong Club.

He claimed that since he hadn’t heard from his fans and leaders officially, it would be premature for him to decide whether or not to join the BJP.

I have not yet received the formal message from my leaders. I’m waiting for it, he said.

He said that his leaders would decide whether or not to put him up for reelection. “If they (leaders) want me to be re-elected, it is up to them to work hard; if not, it depends on them, that’s all,” he stated.

Danggo stated that “he did not regret quitting his position as MLA in 2018. I have no regrets because my goal was to have Civil Subdivision in my area, which I achieved through my resignation. I don’t want to be an MLA anymore, and I don’t want to run for office. However, my leaders and supporters are urging me to run for office once more, so I’m running”.

The former lawmaker claimed that he was also contacted by the Congress, AITC and other parties. “I won’t join any party, though, until and until my leaders and followers agree to do so. It is my duty to obey my leaders and supporters, regardless of whether I win or lose,” he stated.

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