Naamghor in South India and Sattriya Workshop

Guwahati: Bengaluru’s Assamese diaspora had come-together to create Srimanta Sankaradeva Cutural Society SSCSB, which paved way to popularize Assamese culture and Vaishnav dharma in Bengaluru.

Since its inception, SSCSB has been instrumental in conducting cultural activities in Naamghor. This year, in collaboration with Satkara foundation, a 5-day workshop was conducted to the interested, from 3rd May to 8th May 2022.

Meenakshi Medhi, the founder of Satkara Foundation, flew down to Bengaluru, from Delhi to conduct the workshop and spread the beauty and knowledge of Sattriya to Bengalurians.

The workshop saw a good turnout with a blend of students from all age groups as well as different regional backgrounds. There was a melange of students from Kannada, Telegu, Tamil, Marathi, Bengali speaking students as well as Assamese students.  The final day of workshop saw a list of performances by the learners in Naamghor beginning with “Megha shyamala.” by Rekha Palade, a disciple of Meenakshi whose grace and pace earned well deserved appreciation from one and all. Decked in full Sattriya costumes, although a Bharatanatyam artist, she was attracted towards Sattriya and has been learning the dance form for the last two years. Post this, all the students of the workshop sang Prarthana and demonstrated ten matiakhoras which they learnt.

Later two of Meenakshi’s disciples, Chandrasree Medhi and Rajesh N took over the stage with “Ram Bandana”. The piece was well executed and well received by everyone. Then Bor Ramdani followed to showcase the pure nritta segment of Sattriya. Although fast paced, the dancers-maintained grace and followed the pace to give a charming performance. The programme concluded with Ghoxa ‘muktito nispriho’. Both Chandrasree and Rajesh well emoted full devotion for the performance, thereby again receiving the appreciation by all the gathered audience.

The young kids were later felicitated by certificate of participations and special appreciation was heaped by all the assamese diaspora on these kids for taking a step ahead in learning Sattriya which otherwise would have been unreached.

Meenakshi Medhi’s ‘Sahanartana’ initiative made it possible for dance enthusiasts to learn Sattriya and immerse themselves into the world of bhakti.

Sattriyar Sugandha in Sandanor Bhoomi

With a rich history, blended with beautiful music and graceful moves,Sattriya rightfully clenched its place in the list of Classical dances of India.

Although a latest entrant into the list, Sattriya’s classical roots goes as far as 500 years. It has mesmerised and enthralled the intellectuals and commons alike since centuries, but has now spread its wings beyond the borders of Assam.

In order to spread the philosophy of Sattriya and immerse the dance students across different art forms, Meenakshi Medhi with her brainchild “Satkara foundation”, with the guidance of Padmashri Jatin Goswami, conducted a lec-dem program “Sattriyar Sandhan” at School of Performing arts and Indic studies, Reva University, Bengaluru thereby providing a rare chance to understand the dance form of the north east, in bit more detail.

The lec-dem was conducted on 6th May 2022 at Anna Pavlovna Auditorium at Reva university, with students pursuing courses in Bharathanatyam, Kuchipudi, Mohiniyattam, got a glimpse into the world of Sattra, elements of Sattriya and more.

Accompanied by two of her disciples Chandrasree, Rajesh and her son Hiyaan, Meenakshi began her lec dem explaining the evolution of Sattriya, basics of Sattriya, music and costumes as well as unique elements of Sattriya.

Meenakshi along with her disciple Chandrasree showcased some of the Matiakhoras, Bhorimans, as well as Hand gestures used in Sattriya.

As the event reached its cresendo, Meenakshi’s performance of Sutradhari nritya kept the students hooked and enchanced by the performance.

The grace and ease at which she added life to the characters, received thundering applause from students and faculty alike. Apart from the usual appreciation, Meenakshi managed to get the student query more about Sattriya. The curiosity generated in students shows that Meenakshi was able to sow the seeds of Sattriya into the minds of these budding artists thereby achieving the main purpose of the lec-dem, to spread the essence of Sattriya nritya beyond Assam and into Indian youth as a whole.

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