Sikkim: Gangtok Enforces Earth Excavation Ban to Mitigate Monsoon Landslide Risks

Northeast Desk, 20th May: Proactive steps are being implemented in Gangtok to reduce the risk of landslides during the upcoming monsoon season. District Collector Tushar G. Nikhare has issued an order under Section 30 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, prohibiting any new earth excavation works in the district from June 1 to September 30, 2024.

With monsoon rains already affecting the North East region, particularly Sikkim, the state faces increased landslide risks. The order, aimed at preventing further vulnerability, states, “There shall be no new earth excavation works in the district during the monsoon period from 1st June 2024 till 30th September 2024.”

Issued by the District Collector, who also serves as the Chairman of the District Disaster Management Authority, the directive allows for exceptions only for works related to protection, restoration, and maintenance.

This measure is crucial for safeguarding properties and ensuring the safety of residents, as landslides pose a significant threat during the monsoon season. By restricting earth excavation activities, Gangtok aims to mitigate the risks and enhance the community’s resilience against natural disasters.

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