Sikkim: Randomization of Counting Personnel Conducted in Soreng District

Northeast Desk, 9th May: In preparation for the upcoming vote-counting process in Soreng District, Sikkim, the District Administration Center (DAC) in Soreng organized the first randomization of counting personnel on May 8. Led by Yishey D Yongda, the District Electoral Officer and Deputy Commissioner of Soreng, the event aimed to ensure a fair and transparent selection of personnel for the crucial task ahead.

The randomization process, overseen by key officials including Dhiraj Subedi, the Deputy District Electoral Officer, and Additional Deputy Commissioner of Soreng, and DR Bista, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (HQ), involved the selection of 198 counting personnel. This dedicated team comprises supervisors, counting assistants, and micro observers, who play pivotal roles in upholding the accuracy and integrity of the vote-counting process.

Utilizing the National Informatics Centre (NIC) portal, the randomization procedure was conducted seamlessly, guaranteeing an unbiased selection process. The meticulous organization and supervision of the event underscore the commitment of the authorities to ensuring a smooth and credible electoral process in Soreng District, Sikkim.

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