South African Government suspends CSA, takes control of cricket in the country

The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee has suspended the cricket board of South Africa (CSA) for one month. The heavyweight move have been taken by the SASCOC after some prominent members of the cricket board has stepped down from their post due to corruption charges.

In the letter from the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) to CSA mentioned that “the CSA board and those senior executives who serve ex-officio on the board (the company secretary, the acting CEO, the CFO and the COO) are directed to step aside from the administration of CSA on full pay” pending the outcome of a month-long investigation by a task team.

The suspension might seek a kickout from ICC as the rules of the global cricket board doesn’t allow Government to control a cricket board, the recent developments has brought dark clouds among the South African players.



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