World Environment Day: History and Theme of World Environment Day 2023

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 across the world. It has become very important to protect the environment of the world. Otherwise the world will soon become unfit for surviving.

In 1972, United Nations held a major meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. The Stockholm Summit on the Human Environment met from June 5 to June 16, a total of 12 days. Some important discussions on environment were also part of the meeting. In that meeting in 1972, it was decided to celebrate World Environment Day. So, June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day. But why is this sudden decision taken?

From the beginning of the 18th century, Industrial Revolution began with a series of scientific discoveries. Since then, environmental pollution has been steadily increasing. From 1760 to 1972, two centuries had passed by then.

There was a lot of damage to the environment during this long period. Therefore, United Nations decided to convene an international meeting and celebrate this day. This step is taken to increase people’s awareness about the environment.

World Environment Day began after this meeting in 1972. Since then it is celebrated as World Environment Day. This year it is the 49th World Environment Day.

World Environment Day 2023 Theme

World Environment Day 2023 focuses on the urgent campaign to tackle plastic pollution through a powerful campaign called #BeatPlasticPollution (Prevent Plastic Pollution). The theme is “Solutions to Plastic Pollution”.

Host country of World Environment Day 2023

Showing their leadership in the fight against plastic pollution, Ivory Coast in association with the Netherlands has organized World Environment Day 2023. Ivory Coast banned plastic bags in 2014, promoted reusable packaging and their city Abidjan has become a hub for environmentally conscious startups, demonstrating their commitment to sustainability.

“The plastic pollution epidemic is a visible threat that affects every community,” Ivory Coast’s Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development Jean-Luc Assi said in a statement. “We are proud to be champions of diverse diagnostics for the plastic pandemic,” she added.

On the other hand, Netherlands Environment Minister Vivian Heijenen said, “Plastic pollution and its harmful effects on health, economy and the environment cannot be ignored. Urgent action has to be taken. At the same time, we need real, effective and powerful solutions. ’’

Also Read: Assam Govt To Organise Street Plays On World Environment Day

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