Youtuber Held on Charges of Using Minors in Video

Guwahati: Assam’s YouTuber Mustafizur Rahman who is reputed to be the richest person in the state was arrested by the police on Tuesday.

The YouTuber is reportedly accused of using children in his videos. While Mustafizur was filming a video at Satpara in Jogighopa a police team arrested him.

According to the complainant, Rahman used minors in videos which is against the law. The Bongaigaon district child protection official has filed a FIR against the YouTuber at the Jogighopa police station.

The crime is being investigated by Jogighopa police.

According to reports, Mustafizur Rahman has been making videos about minors since a few days ago. This is against the law and could send a bad message to the community. As reported, few of the videos even portray child abuse.

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