Assam: Placement Agency Accused of Trafficking Young Women for False Nursing Jobs

Guwahati, 27th February: Fabtax Private Limited, a placement agency based in Valuar, Silchar, stands accused of duping over 30 young women from Barak by promising them employment as nurses in reputed hospitals outside the state. Instead, they were trafficked abroad.

While 19 victims managed to escape from Ghaziabad, 11 are believed to still be trapped there. Despite calls for action against the placement center, authorities deny the allegations.

The young women, mostly under-educated, were taken to Delhi on February 15 under the pretext of receiving nursing training for hospital jobs. They were covertly transported to Kapashera town in Haryana, promised jobs at Yashda Hospital but held in a brothel.

Prior to their deceptive recruitment, the victims underwent months of nursing training at the placement agency’s office in Silchar. They were then misled and subjected to exploitative conditions resembling a brothel in Kapashera.

Disturbed by their plight, the women fled and reported their ordeal to the Cachar superintendent of police, alleging they were being sold under the guise of employment. They advocate for the rescue of their acquaintances still stranded in Ghaziabad.

Fabtax Private Limited authorities in Silchar refute the allegations, claiming to have employed hundreds of young women from outside the state without any complaints. They suspect the accusations are part of a deliberate defamation campaign.

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