Family Raised Lions As Pet. Here’s What Happened Next

Guwahati: Many of us are fond of keeping pets in the house. Although most people prefer dogs and cats as pets, your eyes will be wider than surprised if we tell you that someone also has a lion in their home. By the way, there was a family that tried to pet a dreaded wild animal like a lion and they had to face very bad consequences.

This incidence occurred in the 1970s when a family in Azerbaijan kept not one but two lions as pets in their home. He had made an effort to think outside the box, but the outcome was wasteful. In fact, the lion that the family raised like its family member killed their 14-year-old son in front of the mistress’s eyes after the death of its owner.

Lions used to live with them in the apartment.

The Berberov family had decided to bring a sick lion to their house and raise it. There was a problem with his leg, which they massaged and cured a lot. This lion was named King by the family and he lived with them like a pet dog. After king grew up, he started getting work in films and his owner Lev started working as his manager. In the 100 square meter flat, the lion lived comfortably with the Berberov family. The neighbours were scared of him, but the family had no problem. During the shoot of a film, the lion attacked a child, after which the police killed him. However, the family’s hobby did not end there and Lev Berberov raised a second lion.

Son killed in front of mistress

After the death of the first lion, the family raised a second lion, which was named King 2. This lion was not sharif like his first lion and his habits and desires were different. As long as Lev himself was alive, he treated him like his master, but after his death, he started getting uncontrollable. Lev’s wife Nina was thinking of shifting him elsewhere when one day a big scandal happened.

When she returned home from the office, the house was dirty. As soon as she went to the room to see the lion, he started attacking her. Meanwhile, his 14-year-old son Robin came, who was attacked and killed by the lion. Seeing this, Nina herself fainted and her eyes opened when the police had shot King.

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