ULFA takes responsibility for Digboi blast on Friday

In a Major revelation, the United Liberation Front of Asom-Independent (ULFA-I) has claimed responsibility for the Blast that took place in Digboi late Evening on Friday. “At around 6.45 in the Evening on 22.01.2021 last, an incident of Bomb attack took place at the Army camp of 3 No Garhwal Regiment in Digboi,” the ULFA-(I) said in an official statement in Assamese. “That Act was carried out by the United Liberation Front of Asom-Independent,” the outfit added.

Yesterday after the blast, the Army and Police locked the front Gate of the Army Camp, barring reporters from entering the premises. While they denied any such occurrence, Locals in the vicinity said the explosion was clearly heard. Some also said that debris from the explosion landed on the Roof of nearby shops. Earlier yesterday, the outfit issued a statement appealing to the People of the Region to boycott Republic Day celebrations and called for a 17-hour ‘General Strike’ on January 26 from 1am Midnight (0100hrs) till 6pm (1800hrs). “This so called Republic Day of India is a confrontation to our ideals and hence we have been opposing it. We call upon all Political and apolitical People of WeSEA (West Eastern South East Asia) to boycott the celebrations of this Indian Political event,” it said.

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