107-year-old, part of Constituent Assembly, gets Covid vaccine shot in Delhi

Kewal Krishan, who was just five years old during the deadly Spanish Flu of 1918, and later became part of the drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly of India, received his first shot of anti-Covid-19 vaccine in Delhi on Monday, his son said.

Krishan, now 107, stepped out of his home in south Delhi “for the first time since the coronavirus-induced lockdown was imposed late March in 2020” to get his Covieshield jab, son Anil Krishna said.

“We had kept him literally in a bubble, and given the nature of the virus, we decided to keep him safe within the confines of home. And, today, we just took him in a car to the hospital, where he had undergone a major operation in 2019, got the vaccine shot, and came back,” he said.

He is feeling fine and has not exhibited any adverse effects post immunisation, the son said, adding, that he performed his daily ‘puja’ after returning home.

72-year-old Krishna told, “When the pandemic hit us all last year and we got to learn about the 1918 Spanish Flu too, I used to ask my dad about that time, but he was just a five-year-old boy then, and with age and infirmity, his memory has faded, along with reduced eyesight and hearing capacity,”

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